Your FLFCU Card + Smart Phone = The Simple Way to Pay

You can now get everything you love about your Finger Lakes Federal Credit Union Visa Credit & Debit cards right on your smart phone! It’s the smart, secure, and easy way to pay.
It’s Simple
Forget fumbling for your wallet at checkout, and spare yourself from embarrassing moments when you’ve accidentally forgotten your card. Now, paying in stores is as easy as holding your Smart Phone up to a contactless reader.
Endless Choices
Your FLFCU Visa Credit and Debit cards are now available for Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, and Google Pay. So no matter what kind of smart phone you take with you every day, you’ll also be able to add your FLFCU Visa to your digital wallet.
Extra Security
Paying with your digital card instead of your physical card gives you an extra layer of security. Digital Wallets never use your actual card number, instead they generate a one-time-use account number for every purchase, making it impossible to steal and duplicate. Your card details and private information stay safe.
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